I am a true believer age means nothing!
It’s just a number that creates limitations in our mind that then reflects on to our body and the way we live our life.
Yesterday Bella celebrated her birthday and there were close to ninety candles on the cake.
However this hasn’t stopped her from continuing to build her strength and fitness.
So she can keep doing the things she loves with confidence.
Happy birthday Bella ?
If you have an ageing parent and need help getting them moving to better their longevity, message or call 0410 482 730 and one of friendly coaches can help.
Alex’s Journey
Alex initially entered Live Well to gain an understanding of exercise and a flame to kick start his fitness journey. He wanted to lower his cholesterol, loose his stomach fat, and maintain a balanced healthy lifestyle.
In conjunction with his shift work and nocturnal working hours, we had to find a balance between recovery, functionally, and just feeling good!
After 3 months at Live Well – training twice a week, he can confidently say he feels great! Additionally, he understands how his body moves, especially on the gym floor. The combination of cardiorespiratory exercise to prepare his heart and lungs; and strength training with time under tension to prepare his muscles, tendons, and ligaments throughout the acclimation period has assisted in how Alex functions in and out of the gym.
The progressive overload approach was utilised in order to allow room for optimal growth and reduce the risk of injury. It’s not always about what the results say on paper, but the exercise and nutrition education that will stick around forever.
Why Balance is essential for your Exercise Routine

Like anything you work towards in life, be it work related or health related, results often take time. It doesn’t happen overnight.

Thinking specifically about exercise and health, whilst some lose weight quicker than others, there’s one common trend that must be taken into consideration along the way. During the process and during the at times, “grind”.

What I’m referring to is the balance we adopt. Everyone’s lives are different. Whilst some are heavily involved socially and/or with family, or have a time-demanding hobby, others may be more available with time outside of work. But if we focus too heavily on one thing – be it our time in the gym, or time away from it – the balance will affect our different states of health.

We all aim to be physically healthy, but what’s often neglected is our mental health.

Repetitively doing the same thing can often cause resentment. So if we relate that to fitness, ask yourself a few simple questions:

When was the last time you updated your workout program?
When was the last time you tried a new exercise you’d never done before?
When was the last time you asked someone for advice?

How are you going right now..?
I don’t know how things are going for you right now.
Maybe you’re doing awesome.
Maybe you’re at a low point and struggling to work through some challenges in front of you.
Either way…
This too shall pass.
And here’s what I mean by that:
It’s all too easy to get sucked into the emotional roller coaster that is just really the nature of life!.
Especially when you’re working hard, giving it your all, and doing everything you can to make your dreams come true.
But the reality is you’re NOT your best day.
And you’re NOT your worst day.
You are the average of ALL of those days put together.
Which means, regardless if you’re winning or losing, the MOST important thing is to always:
Keep a level head, stay humble and stay hungry!
Keep doing the right things needed to consistently move forward with your goals
When you do those 2 things… then you’ll ALWAYS be on the right track.
No matter what the scoreboard in life says today.
Coach Matt – live well health & fitness studio

Lifting weights can improve your aesthetic goals
Jenni & Ash are a prime example of how lifting weights can improve your aesthetic goals as discussed in our latest blog by Coach Allan.
Over the last 8 weeks consistent strength training coupled with a conscious approach to nutrition habits has seen Jenni maintain her weight and lose centimetres off her waist and belly button as well as dropping body fat and Ash drop 2.5kg and 3.5cm off her waist.
Building strong, consistent long term habits is the key, and being held accountable by those around you plays an important role in the success you will have. By teaming up with like-minded people the road is still hard, but made that little bit more enjoyable.
If you or someone you know resonate with Jenni & Ash give the team at Live Well a call on 0410 482 730 and let us help get you moving to a happier and healthier life.
What do you think of when you hear that someone is strong?

What do you think of when you hear that someone is strong?

They need to be in the gym 7 days a week lifting heavy weights, have bulging muscles, even walk around with imaginary watermelons under their arms?

What about a mum of three who trains twice a week, juggles work, family, and social commitments. Could they be considered strong?

Susan continues to go from strength to strength and being able to perform a pull up was a major achievement, until COVID hit. Even though Susan continued to train virtually, a pull up bar wasn’t accessible (I tried to have one installed in the backyard but I wasn’t convincing enough).

When we returned to the studio we jumped back into pull ups right away. Within 10 weeks Susan was completing multiple sets of unassisted pull ups and as a warm up now performs 5 pull ups before we add weight.

Being able to pull yourself up is an achievement in itself, adding weight shows determination to build on the strength you have and keep moving forward. What is even better is that Susan noticed clothes that weren’t feeling that great after being in lockdown are now a perfect fit, debunking the myth that lifting weights makes you bulky.

Why do we exercise?

It seems like a fairly basic question; what makes us get out of bed and go to the gym, or go for a run, or ride the bike. What is the driving force and thought process which leads us to make these positive lifestyle choices?

The very first question we always ask prospective new clients, and one we often refer back to with our long term clients is “What are your goals?”
Often these are short or medium term targets a client has in mind which they would like to achieve. For example; “I want to lose 5kg”, “I want to do a 50kg squat”, the list of goals we have heard goes on and on.

However what I want to do is go past these specific goals and look at the underlying reasons our clients choose to exercise.
Recently I, along with the other Live Well coaches conducted a survey asking “Why do you exercise?”
We gave a number of different options or allowed clients to state their own reasoning. Interestingly the most common response by a long way was ‘Health and Well Being’.
I know what you’re thinking…..’Health and Well Being’ could mean a lot of different things to different people.

To read the full blog visit www.livewellfitness.com.au