A lot of people set unrealistic goals. 

They ask what their goals should be and how long should it take. I don’t care about any of that. It’s gonna take what it takes.

While it sounds vague in light of the promises of other fitness fads, it’s actually the best advice an honest coach will give you. Fitness is a life-long journey that isn’t working if you only do it seasonally.

Getting in shape or reaching ‘your goal’ is easier than you think, but takes longer than you think. That’s where many people go wrong because we’re told the fastest way to success is to increase the intensity as much as possible…
Yet, suffering in a class run off a TV or pounding yourself at the gym is also a sign that you’re doing things your body hasn’t been prepared for. Don’t get me wrong I love a high-intensity workout, it’s one of our core training foundations; LIFT, SPRINT, & PLAY

The coaches at Live Well offer something that’s meant to carry you for decades. We aim to ‘make getting old look easy’.
It’s sustainable and customisable. Because we know it’s natural to overestimate what we can do in a few months and underestimate what we can do in a few years, we do our best to place you at the right starting point and pace you accordingly.

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